Thursday, June 26, 2014

I got the package today! Here is to a new start!

Hi! Welcome to my Blog! I hope you decide to follow my Journey!

To give a little background about me, I am a 35 year old woman who is in a lifetime partnership with a man and I have 4 children. I also work 3 jobs, 1 of which is very demanding physically and the other which is very demanding mentally and of my time. The other is very special to my heart. I will talk about those in a future post. My schedule is always packed full and I am generally always overwhelmed. I don't sleep well, I worry all of the time and despite having 3 jobs, I am basically broke. My life is far from perfect, super stressful and my relationship is anything but understanding and supportive. Saying all of that, I do love my man, he is a good man, just very high strung and we could use a little work. Okay ALOT of work. I suppose that is what a relationship is, a lot of work. And I could probably put in more on my end. I do have a wonderful group of close friends, some that I have known for over 20 years and others only 7 years... I am lucky there. My family was just as screwed up as everyone else's growing up and I choose not to blame my life choices on that, rather I like to think that I have learned from it. I have a wonderful mother and she is my hero, the strongest person I have ever known and my saving grace. When I was younger I had my share of dysfunctional relationships including a failed marriage.

In this blog, I have decided to hold nothing back, so if I give too much information, please forgive me but I want people to be able to relate to me, or maybe not relate at all but at least understand where I come from, what my challenges are and where I am going. The main focus of this blog will be my weight loss journey and my journey to a healthier lifestyle. It is somewhat my source of accountability.

Well after watching the success with skepticism of people I work with, I decided to give in. I, after all am 60 lbs overweight and miserable. My feet hurt everyday, I have ailments that at my young age of 35 I simply should not have. I am not a good dieter and not a fan of yo yo diets or fad diets. I have heard of Herbalife, like everyone else many times over the years. Ive even got the work from home emails, etc. that I just rolled my eyes at when I found out what it was. Herbalife..... yeh, yeh. What a scam right? Maybe not.... Before you click off this blog read on. Don't worry, I am not trying to sell anything. I want to take you on this Journey with me, to see what this Herbalife is really all about.

As I mentioned earlier, I have been watching some ladies at work have great success and started doing some research. There are some really terrible things on the internet about Herbalife if you are looking for the nay sayers, but I also found some very inspiring stories, not just on the business side but from customers as well, even locally. In fact, they have free fit clubs and coaches and if you are in with the right people, they really care and are very supportive. You need to find a distributer who is in the business for the right reasons.  I started to think it was like anything else in life, its what you put in to it, at least I hope. We will find out. Or am I just a gullible fool? Time will tell.

Last week, I went to Texas to visit my mother. She had a bariatric surgery last year and is so small. Her surgery however was more for health benefits as she is off of her blood pressure meds now and is feeling better than ever. I am so very proud of her. I felt so big and I guess in a way it gave me new motivation. A few days ago, I called on a friend of a friend that I knew was a Herbalife distributer. I had mentioned to my spouse I was going to do this and he all but begged me not to exclaiming that it is all a scam and it will never work and even if it could, I would never stick to it anyway. His lack of support was very upsetting to me as I had already decided this was something I was going to try. I met with this mutual friend anyway at his new store and listened to what he had to say. I bought in, after all what did I have to lose? Weight, right? We will see. I signed up as a member, admittedly to get the discount and expressed that I have no desire to sell the product as I am already overwhelmed with work and do not have the time. I got no resistance, only support. I left feeling excited to start something new...

I LOVE FOOD. So getting rid of the carbs and retraining myself how to eat healthy is a scary notion. I am willing to do it however. It has to be done. I am so tired of being sick and tired... and in pain. Today, I received my package... I cannot express how excited and hopeful I am. I started immediately replacing two of my meals today with shakes and drinking the herbal tea instead of my usual coffee and taking 3 supplements. I will admit. I am hungry, but it is day 1 and so I figure it is to be expected. I do have more energy than I have had in a while. It could be the excitement for the decision to make a change however. The mind is powerful.  I weighed in today at 185 and my BMI is 32. Obese.... I feel disgusting. I have set short and long term goals for myself and have vowed to only weigh myself once a week (each Saturday).  My short term goal is to lose 2 lbs a week. My long term goal is to be at 130 lbs by the end of the year. 

I plan to use this blog to journal my daily struggles, challenges and successes as well as my honest thoughts, feelings and experiences both in everyday life and regarding Herbalife. I am going to follow the program as strictly as possible and I figure then my question on whether or not it is worth the hype will be answered. As will yours, if you were ever interested. Tomorrow I will post before body pics. I will do this once every 2 weeks so we can watch the progression together. I will cut my face out until I have reached my goal weight for anonymity purposes as I am not comfortable with putting myself completely out there just yet.

Tonight, I am going to bed hungry, unlike most nights, I will not go and raid the refrigerator. I am going to try and get some sleep and wake up to Day 2.  I am tired of not being able to fit into any of my clothes. I am tired of hating the way I look in everything when I try on clothes. I hate that I am a size 16  when I have been a 9 most of my life. I am tired of feeling exhausted all of the time. I am tired of being the big girl when out with my friends. I am tired of always giving up. So it is time for a change in lifestyle, a change in mindset and here I am starting my new Journey. I can't wait to have more energy for my kids, to not be in pain everyday and to feel beautiful again. I hope you come on this Journey with me. Please feel free to follow and share. Goodnight World Wide Web. I will see you tomorrow!

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